Lyrics Of Mama By Papa Wemba

Published 6 years ago

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About Mama

Mama is the fifth song of the album Nouvelle Ecriture by Congolese artise Papa Wemba and his band Viva La Musica. It is a rumba serenade to Papa Wemba’s gone mom. He praises how sweet life was with her, and how different things became once she left.



Lyrics and Translation

Mille et une nuits nasala na berceau ya maman, eleki elengi koleka ba mbeto nyonso nga nalala.
Maman soki ozalaki kaka na bomoyi, mbele nasengi ozongisa nga lisusu wana.

My thousand and one nights in my mom’s cradle were more delicious than any bed I have been on since.
Should’ve been still alive mom, I’d ve asked you to take me back there.

Jamais olingaki nga nalela yo oseka, jamais olingaki yo olala nga nalamuka.
Jamais olingaki ata ngungi atungisa nga, soki nabeli ozalaki kotana tongosa.

You would never laugh as I’d cry, You’d never sleep and leave me awake.
You’d allow a single mosquito bite on me, you’d stay awake all night when I was sick.

Banda yo’okenda nakoma abandonée, recompense nayo nako pesa nani yango?
Ata na leli nani ako dorloter nga ah? Yango na yembeli yo zembo oyo mama Niondo!

Since you’ve gone I am all abandoned. Who should I give your reward? And who will pamper me when I cry? That’s why I am singing this song for you mommy Niondo!

Elengi ya libele ya mama abota nga, eleki ba recette nioso ya ba cordon bleu nga na liya.
Ata mafuta, tomate ezalaki te, kasi yango elakaki mosuni n’élengi.
Banda yo’okenda appetit esila nga ah, nakoma ko lya kaka po na sepelisa monoko.

Mom’s breast milk was more delicious than any cordon bleu’s recipe I’ve ever eaten. Even without oil, without tomatoes, it still was more delicious than meat. And I lost my appetite ever since you left, and I just east for the sake of it.

Mateyas ya mama ezanga bulletin pe minerval, kasi eleki ba leçons ba maitres, ba professeurs ba pesa nga.

Moms teaching was free and with no report card, but it’s more valuable than lessons from my teachers and professors.

Mama soki ozalaki kaka na bomoyi, mbele na sengi batya yo ministre y’education.
Mbele ba parquets, ba prison nionso bakanga, mbele kutu motu mabé azali te.

And should’ve been still alive I’d ask them to have you as education minister.
All courts and prisons would be closed. There would be no bad guy at all.

Lelo nakanisi yo mingi mama ah, po jour ya anniversaire na nga ekomi pene.
Ba invités bako lya bako mela masanga, yo kutu artisan na nga y’ozali te.

Today I thought so much about you since It’s almost my birthday. My guests will eat and drink, but you the craftswoman, you’re nowhere around.

Epayi ozali soki okutani na occasion eh, tindela nga carte de voeux ata fololo.
Esengo na nga ekozala multiplier fois deux, normalement feti ya lelo ezali ya yo.

On the first occasion, send me a wish card or a flower from wherever you are. And I will be twice happy! Today’s party is normally yours.

Serment d’Hippocrate ba médecins ba kosalaka Ya nga serment y’ozala toujours mama nga.
Ata ba bandeli mokili soki mbala zomi, ya nga serment y’ozala toujours mama nga.

Just like doctors have the Hippocratic oath, mine’s that you’ll forever be my mom.
Let them restart the ten times, my oath’s that you will always be my mom.

Mais lelo nakanisi yo mingi mama ah, po jour ya anniversaire na nga ekomi pene.
Ba invités bako lya bako mela masanga, yo kutu artisan na nga y’ozali te.

Today I thought so much about since It’s almost my birthday. My guests will eat and drink, but you the craftswoman, you’re nowhere around.

Epayi ozali soki okutani na occasion eh, tindela nga carte de voeux ata fololo.
Esengo na nga ekozala multiplier fois deux, normalement feti ya lelo ezali ya yo.

On the first occasion, send me a card or a flower from wherever you are. And I will be twice happy! This should be your party.

Serment d’Hippocrate ba médecins ba kosalaka Ya nga serment y’ozala toujours mama nga.
Ata ba bandeli mokili soki mbala zomi, ya nga serment y’ozala toujours mama nga.

On the first occasion, send me a wish card or a flower from wherever you are. And I will be twice happy! Today’s party is normally yours.

Mama soki ozalaki kaka na bomoyi, mbele na sengi o zongisa nga susu wana.
Mama soki ozalaki kaka na bomoyi, mbele na sengi o zongisa nga susu wana.

Should you have been still alive mom, I’d ask you to take me back there.
Should you have been still alive mom, I’d ask you to take me back there.

Consolation na ngaï JOE NIONDO photocopie na yo!

Joe Niondo looks just like you, that’s a consolation!


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