Chaude Ambiance
Release by Madilu System, Lutumba Simaro, Josky Kiambukuta
Published 6 years ago
Short Description of Chaude Ambiance
Congolese singers Lutumba Simaro, Josky Kimabukuta, and Madilu System released the album Chaude Ambiance in 1993. This is one of post-Franco‘s T.P. O.K. Jazz albums. The album achieved enormous success and further confirmed Lutumba’s talent for song-writing, and Madilu’s incredible vocal charm. Josky’s not left aside, mind you. His song Mumune also became very famous for being both enlargening and educational. Below is a little more context about the album’s birth.
Franco Luambo Makiadi, one of Africa’s greatest musician passed away at the end of 1989. With his passing came the fear of an uncertain fate of the beloved band T.P. O.K. Jazz. It’s easy to understand such fear. Through literature, you can clearly observe that succession has never been guaranteed in moderne Congolese culture. The country’s name, for instance, changed to Zaire, then back to congo. The same was true for the music industry. As soon as there’s a misunderstanding between two musicians, you’re guaranteed a new orchestra will emerge. The same fate surely awaited bands who’s founders would, unfortunately, pass away.
That’s when one of Franco’s protegee named Lutumba Simaro made the exception confirmed the rule. At least for a little while. Lutumba gave his utmost so T.P. O.K. Jazz could not just stay alive but even thrive. Under Simaro’s leadership Madilu System and Josky Kiambukuta, among others, cooperated to produce some of the finest T.P. O.K. Jazz tunes. Chaude Ambiance became one of the most successful releases. Like many music masterpieces, it left landmarks in many people’s lives. I sometimes enjoy reading comments below on Youtube songs and see how people get nostalgic and talk about their memories that awakened thanks to songs like Ofela or Dati Petrole.
Chaude Ambiance’s Tracks in Brief
1. Dati Pétrole
Gosh! Dati Petrole is more than a song. It is a reference for how love should work. I am serious! Here is the story: something happened between Diesa and Dati. Dati got mad at Diesa and makes her life difficult with all the tricky and unhealthy games you know. He seems to have forgotten all the fights they went through over the years. So Diese is fed up and would like to divorce right? Of course not!
Sometimes some of us get lost in the long game of love. “When it matters the most, we do our worst”. The song proposes another course of action, one that’s full of patience, humility and true love. What Diesa is about to lose superseeds her pride, so she begs for him to reconsider things and not let their love die.
You can dive into its beautiful lyrics here.
2. Bilonda
After the excellent Dati Petrole, Bola Bolith and Josky (another T.P. O.K. Jazz member) talks now about Bilonda. She is all a woman should not be, contrasting with Dati. Someone met Bilonda and thought that she was the love of his life. He gave Bilonda everything she wanted and moved her to Brazzaville, only to discover she already had another husband in Kinshasa. Outch!
Bilonda is full of trivial but essential pieces of advice on women moral.
3. Ono Bienvenu
Ono Bienvenu is a tale of someone who finally met the love of his life called Bienvenu. The two already got together and even had a baby. He is promising everything possible to Bienvenu. The only regret is that he met her at a later stage of his life, after making couple of mistakes.
The main song is followed by a soukous session. Who does not appreciate a few soukous moves anyway?
4. Mumune
Mumune is another love song. This time the commander Josky lead the vocals. This is another love lesson where a lover is reassuring his commitment to loving her. We are so busy fighting everyday life that we sometimes forget to tell our partners we love them. In Mumune, Josky Kiambukuta did not forget at all.
5. Ofela
Continuing in the love them of Chaude Ambiance, Ofela explores a different but popular angle. It talks about an arranged wedding between Ofela a more capable man than the singer. The author apologies for wasting her so many times in her life and wishes her all the best in life.
Ofela is one of the most popular Congolese songs. Another proof of Madilu’s amazing singing talent.
6. M.T. Inongo
M.T. Inongo closes the album. In this jerky rhythm song, the singer warns those jealous about his love with M.T. This is a Mbuakela style song. Mbuakela means you know I am talking about you, even when your name is not mentioned. The singer remains committed to loving M.T. and will prove them wrong.
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