Guided Tour: “Control” By Fally Ipupa – Part 1 of 3

Published 6 years ago

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Ah! Here is an excellent one! Humanisme is the ninth song of the album. It is, to my point of view, the best of the entire album. Its catchy beat moves you through the story of someone trying to recover her loved one. The arrangement is just great. Voices quasi-perfectly surf onto instruments. The narrative style represents Fally at his best, using Congo related feature alongside strange but interesting figure style like “Bin Laden”. It crazily works well though, and this is one of Fally’s greatest song.  It seems like another evergreen Congolese song is born.

Stay tuned because I will most probably dive more into this song in future.

A few translations?

Na parcourir avenue ya bolingo na nga na silisi commune, tongo pokwa chaque jours, Ba surnoma mobali na nga Ben Laden. Namonaye wapi?

I searched all street of our neighborhood, mornings and evenings everyday, they nicknamed my husband Bin Laden. Where can I find him?

Bolingo na theorie ezanga moniokoli mais sur terrain, Kotakoli Kibomango nde tomonaka.

In theory, love never hurts, but in reality, we go through Kotakoli and Kibomango.

Context: Kotakoli and Kibomango are Congolese (DRC) military airbase and training camp. They’re reputed to be very harsh, hence the analogy here.

Humanisme cherie obwaki wapi? Ba pardon ya aveugle oyoki mawa te, Po nini? Ya nani okoyoka mawa Papy?.

Where’s your humanity? You had no mercy for a blind person’s apologies? Why? Papy, whose apologies would you care for?


Great piece of work, and, once more the best of the album according to me.


Next Page: Sans amour


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