Guided Tour: “Control” By Fally Ipupa – Part 1 of 3

Published 6 years ago

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Maria PM


“Don’t leave me Mariane; if you left I’d die”. Clear enough, right? A love song dedicated to Mariane Mandala. This is one of the most popular songs of the album in Kinshasa. It’d kick out in Kinshasa pubs stereos and you’d see heads shaking and some lips synching.

Lyrics-wise Fally initially reminds Mariane of what she promised; tears would never even pay a visit to his cheek. His sings on behalf of Eric, who is Maria’s husband. He then begs for her love while praising beauty (This is a Congolese rumba specialty as said before).

Maria PM is not my favorite song but it is one of the best of the album. Below are some translations, in case you ever enjoyed the song without understanding it well.

Some translations:

Mariane soki otiki ngai, vie na nga ekoti laisser-aller.

Mariane, if you left me, my life would become a mess.

Chagrin malheur, bazwi facilement laisser-passer).

The door would be open to chagrin and misfortune.

Yo oko banza moto alali nzoka aweï na ye.

You would think I am asleep but I’d be gone.


Next Page :Punition


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