Kabose Bulembi’s Short Bio
Kabose Bulembi, a.k.a “Ya Kotumba”, is a singer, songwriter, dancer, and bandleader from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Raphael Kabose Bulembi was born on March 23, 1973, in Kisantu, DRC. Kisantu is small nice touristic town, two hours drive from Kinshasa (By the way). Kisantu has one of the biggest botanical gardens in central Africa. All right, Back to Kabose.
Kabose started his music career with a small less known band named Somo-West in 1987. He then integrated more popular bands like Big Stars of General Defao in 1992. While in Big Stars, Kabose spent an entire year in New Jersey, USA. In 2000 he came back to Kinshasa and joined Bozi Boziana’s Anti Choc band. While in Kinshasa, he would be approached by Ferre Gola, from Wenge Musica Maison Mère with the idea he could join the band too. Kabose unsuccessfully tried to join Wenge since 1997, and Werra Son was one of his most appreciated musicians.
While in Europe to record an album with Anti Choc, he approached Maison Mère who was also touring it. Werra would insist that the two meet in Kinshasa, to avoid a conflictual situation with Bozi (Anti Choc’s boss). With resentment, Kabose left Europe for Kinshasa. On his return to he tried a couple of times and finally managed to integrate Maison Mère. Hurray!
Kabose spent five years at Maison Mère. He grew fatigue with struggles and interpersonal challenges. Feeling his time at Maison Mère was over, Kabose left in 2007 to start a solo career, and create his own band.
Kabose decided to go solo after five years spent at Maison Mère. He released a couple of singles and albums we will update in the release section.
Some Songs by Kabose
These videos are from the internet. CongoleseMusic did not upload them, so we apologize for any inconvenience like broken links.
“Sans toi, Voiture sans moteur est-ce-que nakokoma? Yebela temps avant oya kokuta nga par terre, etalee, fanee”.
Without you, I am like a car without its engine, how could I make it through? Hurry up before it’s too late and I am laid on the ground aand faded.
Confusion was one of Kabose most popular songs, at least in Kinshasa.
Kabose has come up with some interesting rumba songs like “Elaka”. Elaka is the Lingala for “promise”. A lover talks to Matthieu Madiam and reminds him/her that a love promise is a debt, and they should go back together. Elaka is a quite underrated song, unfortunately. But hey, that is why this platform exists. Enjoy it!
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